Aug 08 2011


This indie business, it’s… well, it’s business. And that means it can be stressful.

I should be getting some income from two big projects at the moment – the contract work we did recently, and Vigilance. Unfortunately, the agency we did the contract work for hasn’t paid us yet. Meanwhile, I haven’t had a bid I’m happy with for Vigilance yet. So I’m stuck wondering: will I get a decent bid soon? Did I do something wrong? Should I abandon Flash games altogether, ditch the work I’ve done so far on Fight Back and just cut my losses?

Of course, realistically, these things take time to work themselves through, and some projects will do better than others. The contract work should pay off eventually; it’ll just take a little while for the cash to come in. Vigilance could hypothetically get a great sponsorship bid this evening, and even if it never does, it might just be that the project was too niche and Fight Back will earn enough to pay for developing both of them.

I guess you have to be a bit more emotionally resilient to handle running your own business, and accept the possibility (or reality!) of projects bombing in the marketplace or deals going bad. It’s especially stressful when you’re just putting out your first serious projects, trying to find out if you can make this indie thing work for you financially or not.

But, you know what? I know I’m okay at this stuff, and I genuinely do feel confident it’ll work out. If Flash games don’t work out for me, I’ll change strategy and do something else, and that’ll work out instead! For now, worrying doesn’t solve anything. I’m getting my head down and working on the next project. πŸ˜€

4 Comments on “DON’T WORRY. BE HAPPY

  1. well there is always board games! lol though I’m not sure how the payment on those work.

  2. Im sure you will do good, just dont give up πŸ™‚ What did you do before flash games?

  3. I totally feel your pain and have been exactly in your position before. Nothing more depressing than doing client work and then having the bill go unpaid, but that’s life as a contractor: every once in a while you get a bad client. I’ve also had indie games I’ve made that flop and did not make a profit.

    One thing to remind yourself is that the definition of your worth as a developer and person is not measured in dollar signs. Your game is awesome and you did good work. Never give up and plow forward! Forget the past! If Flash games are making less money, not to worry: AIR compiles to native code on all mobile devices. Android and iOS might be a great new arena for you to dive into!

  4. owen: I think board games are pretty tough to get into, though I’d enjoy designing one!

    lubos: I’m not planning on giving up any time soon πŸ˜€ Before Flash games I made Beacon, which wasn’t for money; and before that I was working at Frontier, so on a salary.

    McFunkypants: Wise words, thanks. I’ll definitely look into Android/iOS, for Fight Back if not for this.

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