Nov 20 2012


Apparently I hadn’t covered this guy before! He’s one of the classical three classes as seen in CQ1 – along with the Fighter and Wizard – who’ve received the CQ2 skill tree treatment.

The Thief is a jerk.

The class skill, Shadow Walk, is a big deal. Turn invisible, run up to enemies and hit them for a guaranteed critical.

See, the Thief’s pretty weak, but stealthy and fast – a natural for hit and run tactics. The game’s stealth system is open to all classes, but Shadow Walk, sneaky boots and an inherent stealth bonus give this guy the edge.

You can’t normally trigger Shadow Walk and turn invisible when enemies are looking at you, but grab the Shadow Mastery upgrade and you can disappear in front of their eyes. Then stab them BETWEEN THOSE EYES.

There’s also the ninja-style Flash Bomb skill. Drop that to blind enemies around you, then turn invisible before they recover and nip out – or use the chance to murder a few. The other unique class skill is Dash, a short range, quick-recharging leap past enemies to either move in for the kill or get yourself out of awkward situations.

Job Satisfaction, the Thief’s healing skill, is all about the hit and run. It gives you health every time you kill one enemy in front of another and promptly run away, rewarding traditional and honourable Thiefy behaviour.

The last unique Thief talent is Discount. In-game description: You’ve figured out how to hand over a third less gold than scavengers ask for without them noticing.

You’re just that good.


2 Comments on “THIEF

  1. It should be noted Job Satisfaction only triggers when backstabbing an enemy in plain sight of another, unless I’m completely wrong?

  2. You have to run away from the second enemy now! It’s a bit convoluted, sure, and I might change it – I want to see how people get on with it first though. 😀

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