Today’s soundtrack:
Yep – I’ve been drawing trees! I think they came out quite well:
I’m currently debating whether to set up parallax layers so you get to see more of the city backdrop or whether to just leave it as is. “As is” is winning.
Yesterday’s work was far less dramatic. I set up a preloader, a pause screen when the game loses focus and the ability to mute the music. The reason this stuff took an entire day is the preloader! HaXe simply isn’t set up for it, and every single tutorial on the Internet no longer works with the current version. I’ll do a technical how-to on Monday.
What I haven’t done yet are the actual title and ending sequences, so there’re still a few days work to do on Vigilance before I’m ready to ship it. It’s a shame I won’t have it finished by the end of Ludum Dare judging, but that’s totally my fault. It won’t be long 😀
Once it’s done I’ll be starting my first search for sponsorship and a little income. I’m excited!