Jul 20 2011


I’m torn between finishing off three different projects at the moment. It’s a little hectic!

This contract project keeps going – the client’s requested a few minor changes over the past couple days, which is cool and they’ve been accommodated. Still, I think it’s done now.

Reels of Steel is progressing slowly in the gaps. Much of the game’s feel comes down to the physics of the rope, which needs to work differently when it’s cast and when it’s pulled taut and so on, so I’ve been tweaking that. It’s coming together!

As for project number three, I haven’t even looked at Fear is Vigilance yet this week. Still, I know it’s waiting for me to go in, fix up the analytics code and start pitching to sponsors.

The main thing is, I’m recovered from last week and the jam and I’m getting back on track. ONWARD.