Oct 06 2011


I’m making good progress on Fight Back’s new core engine. After the jump, here’s a little tech demo of interpolated rendering (I say little, it’s several MB because it still has most of the game assets in!):

No preloader still, so give it a moment. Click it and control with the arrow keys.

The simulation’s running at 20fps, the game’s rendering at 50fps. The top ship is interpolated, the bottom ship isn’t. It’s not anything particularly big or clever, but it does make me smile 🙂 I love the fact that – once this game’s done – I’ll be able to deploy it as a Flash game, a fullscreen download game with VSync and everything or a phone game, and in all cases it’ll play nice and smoothly and behave just right.

My next job is to start porting over the game logic to the new system, starting with the ship physics. After that I’ve got a resource pipeline to sort out – there will be a lot of assets going into this game and I want it to be as straightforward as possible. The list’s definitely getting shorter, and I’m burning through the things that are really slowing me down. Hopefully this massive refactor will be done some time next week… just in time for me to shelve it for a while so I can work on someone else’s project for a bit. More on that later. 😀

Well, I’m done for the day. I’ll see how much of a dent I can make in porting the game logic to the new engine tomorrow!

2 Comments on “TECHNICAL DEBT

  1. Just to test the interpolation stuff. The simulation will run at 50Hz later, with the rendering running at anything from 50fps up (or down to 30 on slow machines, I guess).

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