Jun 11 2011


I got rid of health bars. They were in the way.

Combat looks a lot slicker now, with the AIs communicating stuff by text and icons instead of a slightly wonky health bar. I’m not sure about how it feels – it was nice seeing that bar go down, I’ll be honest – but I think it’s a net win.

Besides that, I’ve been filling in background for the ending cutscene.

I find it surprising how much quicker it’s going already. The first house (the bed and breakfast) took me a day or so to pixel, and now new ones are taking me a couple hours, tops. I’m only doing two or three, though. I can fill the rest of the space with bushes and fields.

The first minute or so of the ending cutscene is basically done now. I kind of screwed myself over by doing the music for the ending before I had a plan… it’s two minutes long, so the cutscene has to keep up the pace and be interesting for that length of time! We’ll see if I manage, though I imagine I’ll be putting in a ‘skip’ button shortly. 😀

So what’s left to finish off this weekend? Half an ending cutscene, a combat challenge mode and a bunch of tweaks. NO PROBLEM.