Mar 04 2011


I’ve been sticking to 5 blog posts a week, but it’s a tough schedule when you have unproductive days like today so have nothing to show for it. 😀 I’m going to shift down to three posts a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings – at least until the main projects I’m working on right now mature and I can start talking about them.

Here’s a consolation MP3 about sad things that are good things: little pieces.mp3

Mar 01 2011



I finally broke out of this brutal X-Com addiction of the last few days and got back to work. I’ve been doing more Flash. For fun, I’ve ported Beacon’s astro-guy over, and then SNOW LEVEL. New Flash experiment below:
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Feb 28 2011


Totally unrelated – here’s a recent ambient track I did: Eclipse – enjoy!

Anyway. There was something about the mid 90s through to the turn of the millennium, when rapidly expanding budgets in game development and freedom to explore big ideas led to a run of mad, feature-rich, ambitious messes. Nowadays everyone knows to spend big budgets on polish, but back then there were just enough people crazy enough to throw money at great games like Terra Nova, System Shock, Metal Gear Solid, Deus Ex, GTA 3 and Morrowind… and the one I want to talk about, UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka X-COM: UFO Defense), from 1994.

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Feb 26 2011


is hard to come by! It’s something I suck at.

I have days when I get stuff done and days when I don’t. I’m new to this self-employed stuff and I haven’t quite got into the rhythm of working yet, I guess. Still, I poked Flash briefly earlier and figured out how to import images and blit them. Basic stuff, but these basic things like sprite rendering and sound – hell, and generally learning my way around HaXe and the Flash API – are what’s necessary for pulling a simple game engine together. I know there are simple engines out there already, flixel and FlashPunk and so on, but I reckon it’s a useful exercise for learning the language. It’s just four or five hours’ work, even if I’ve only done the first 30 minutes so far!

I actually have a book on motivation. Specifically, it’s about how to make yourself do the things you should but don’t really want to. I’ve never got round to reading it. 😛

Feb 21 2011


Nothing to report here. I’ve spent the day planning a new project with Hanzonaut and playing Scott Pilgrim.

Actually, I guess I can report that Scott Pilgrim is pretty sweet in co-op.

Feb 16 2011


feel a bit weird to me, since I’m planning to make games commercially. I don’t want anyone to get the idea that they’re funding more freeware and feel betrayed when I charge for my next game! Still, a few people have told me to put up a donate button, so here it is. If you liked Beacon enough to want to give me something for it, it’d certainly go some way to paying rent 🙂

I’ve spent today sleeping in; promoting my game to Mac and Linux sites; changing an alternator; and fixing my website! I’ve set up a projects toolbar on the left now. It’s just got the one project at the moment, but I’ll start uploading some older things shortly – and of course I’ll get to work on some newer.