Jan 25 2012


Cardinal Quest had automatic inventory management. When you picked something up the system looked at the stats and either equipped it, stashed it in your inventory or sold it on for later.

We’re making two major changes to how you interact with items. Firstly, we’re probably going to streamline the inventory somehow, at least so you can’t carry stuff between levels and don’t end up carting around a few rows of junk. The inventory filling up was always an annoyance, and it’s only going to get worse with more unique items to find! Secondly, the system won’t make item decisions for you any more. I want people to feel more involved in how their character shapes up.

That’s the current mockup. No recommendation as to what item you should take, just a list of stat differences so you have the information you need to be smart and figure it out yourself. There’ll be a similar dialog for spells and, perhaps, for potions and other consumables (unless we keep the same system as now, where you have exactly five kinds of potion that stack).

Right now I’m trying to eliminate the rubbish aspects of inventory management clearing out junk but also eliminate backtracking. More on all of that on Friday.

Jan 23 2012


Today I’ve been reworking how combat stats (most importantly attack and defense) function in Cardinal Quest II. This blog entry’s going to be quite dry and mathsy, so if that’s not your bag feel free to come back on Wednesday when I’ll have more screenshots. 😀

See, design work isn’t all about interfaces and player choice. In many games you also have these systems on the back end handling damage, % to hit, movement speed, etc. This is where tables of statistics come in, and balancing those statistics is super important to balance units – but before that you need to nail down how the statistics interact, what calculations they get involved in, and that’s system design.

Cardinal Quest 1’s “chance to hit” formula is the main thing I’ve been tweaking today. It uses two stats – the attacker’s Attack stat and the defender’s Defense stat.

% to Hit = 100 * Attacker.attack / (Attacker.attack + Defender.defense);

To really understand how even a pretty simple formula works you need to visualise it. It’s a good place to break out a spreadsheet, run the numbers and draw some graphs.

The important thing is, the lines go up! The higher your attack stat, the more often you’ll hit your target. Also, lower Defense stats on your enemy mean you’ll hit them more often.

That’s groovy, but… there are some issues here. Firstly, the exact number for each stat gets less important the bigger it is. The difference between 1 attack and 2 attack or 1 defense and 2 defense is huge, but there’s hardly any difference going from 6 to 7.  Secondly, almost all of our % to hit calculations are bunched in between 40% and 70% to hit. That’s going to make our classes feel a bit samey in melee combat.

We’ve got a system where, halfway through the game, adding 20% to your attack can alter your chance to hit by less than 5%. That was fine for CQ 1, but in Cardinal Quest 2 with its talent tree system, every single point needs to matter. So this has to change.

Here’s where we need to lay down some goals for redesigning the system.

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Jan 20 2012


I’ve gone over the in-game UI for Cardinal Quest II, but there are plenty of other interface changes going in. My current focus is the Character Screen, which was a straightforward list of attributes before but is now gaining a ‘talent tree’ system for levelling up and customising your chosen class.

I’ll spare you the old version and the mockup. Here’s what came out of the process:

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Jan 18 2012


Was this my favourite indie game of 2011?

Well… no.

Isaac isn’t particularly complicated. It isn’t particularly deep, either. With some arcade skills and a little practice, you can finish the game in an hour.

Now, finishing the game is quite important. There are fourteen separate achievements for completing the game. Should you want them all, you will have to complete the game a minimum of ten times.

You won’t mind doing this in the slightest.

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Jan 16 2012


Of all the various aspects of game design, UI has to be the one that comes closest to design proper. Functionality’s a given – what you’re concerned with is making that functionality logical, clear and a pleasure to use, so even complicated things feel simple.

Cardinal Quest’s interface had everything it needed, but it kinda dominated the screen.

(All these images are resized slightly – click through for the correct resolution.)

It’s an effective UI and it shows you everything you can do, but it wasn’t necessarily that efficient with screen real estate and it could feel a bit overwhelming the first time you brought it up.

Here’s the rough draft of the new UI for CQ2 – essentially a quick attempt to see how everything will be laid out, how it’ll work over the game graphics and whether everything will be spaced and arranged nicely.

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Jan 13 2012


Coming up with fun, distinct new classes means drawing inspiration from a bunch of different places. Class number 5 in Cardinal Quest’s roster is going to be the Pugilist, an unarmed badass of a brawler who’s happiest out in the open. That’s not normal for roguelikes, so he has some unusual skills.

The main one is Sweep, a move which stuns everyone around him for several turns and gives him a temporary +1 attack, +1 defense buff for each person he hits with the move. If he’s in the middle of a crowd, he stuns all of them and gets a +4, +4 buff.

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Jan 06 2012


It’s a bold new year! I’m starting serious work on CQ2!

The first thing I like to do on any major project or bit of work is sort out design questions – the real “is this fun, is it interesting” stuff. CQ2 involves a fair bit of new content, so naturally I’ve started with the most straightforward – the new classes. What’s going to be cool and different about them?

Something I wanted to try out was giving the new Ranger class a dog, and what do you know…

this guy is so awesome. He runs around excitably looking like an idiot, he attacks enemies, you can use a skill to order him to run places or attack guys, he heals by himself, and if he gets too badly wounded to go on fighting you can charge up a spell to heal him up. The Ranger’s now my favourite class and I’m seriously struggling to figure out how to make the other classes just as awesome.

Yup. I have added a dog to this game. It has created an EMOTIONAL CONNECTION.

I am now Peter Molyneux.

Dec 31 2011


A year ago, I’d just quit a safe job as a games programmer to do my own thing for a bit. I had savings to cover a year’s living expenses, and no idea how easy making a living at this would be. Now feels like a good time to review how that year went!

Back when I quit Frontier, in November 2010… I’ll be honest, I was really scared about whether I’d make any money this year. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to make games people enjoyed. I honestly thought I’d be looking for a job around now.

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Dec 23 2011


Yup, Flash game sponsorship for CQ. That’s been my last two weeks. It’s messy work, but it needs to be done.

Here’s the first:

Yup – you can now play Cardinal Quest over on Armor Games if you want to. They gave us money for that, so that’s nice. 😀

That one wasn’t too bad, but the second sponsorship I’ve been working on this week has had me – surprise – mucking about in Sam HaXe again to get it working right. I’m pretty glad I know my way around that code now! Still, it’s nearly done and should be ready to go some time next week.

I’ve been winding down a bit for the Christmas weekend. Two things have kinda pushed me in that direction: firstly I’ve been picking up a few things in Steam sales, like Jamestown and The Binding of Isaac, and secondly I went to the dentist on Wednesday and got a jaw full of local anaesthetic. I ended up playing Dungeons of Dredmor for the rest of that day as a distraction, though I don’t think I can recommend Dredmor. It just feels empty, repetitive and grindy. The Binding of Isaac, on the other hand…

But more about that some other time. 🙂 I’ll do a year in review (my first year as an indie!) and some quick reviews for the stuff I’ve picked up lately over the next week or two. For now, whatever form your end-of-year holidays take, enjoy ’em.

Dec 09 2011


I wrote a blog post for Ido’s site over at tametick.com! It’s about the NEWS.

Firstly: Cardinal Quest 1.2 is out. You can play it here, and if you’ve bought the game you’ll be getting an email about the update soon so you can download your standalone, full-screen, ad-free version.

Secondly: we’re working on Cardinal Quest II. It’s going to be about three times as big as Cardinal Quest and have a ton more content. We’ll be announcing pricing, taking pre-orders and so on shortly. EXCITING.

Go and check out the details 😀